



Les Champs-Élysées





Je m'baladais sur l'avenue

le coeur ouvert à l'inconnu

J'avais envie de dire bonjour à n'importe qui

N'importe qui et ce fut toi,

je t'ai dit n'importe quoi

Il suffisait de te parler, pour t'apprivoiser


Aux Champs-Elysées, aux Champs-Elysées

Au soleil, sous la pluie, à midi ou à minuit

Il y a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Elysées



Tu m'as dit "J'ai rendez-vous

dans un sous-sol avec des fous

Qui vivent la guitare à la main, du soir au matin"

Alors je t'ai accompagnée,

on a chanté, on a dansé

Et l'on n'a même pas pensé à s'embrasser


Aux Champs-Elysées, aux Champs-Elysées

Au soleil, sous la pluie, à midi ou à minuit

Il y a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Elysées



Hier soir deux inconnus

et ce matin sur l'avenue

Deux amoureux tout étourdis par la longue nuit

Et de l'Étoile à la Concorde,

un orchestre à mille cordes

Tous les oiseaux du point du jour chantent l'amour


Aux Champs-Elysées, aux Champs-Elysées

Au soleil, sous la pluie, à midi ou à minuit

Il y a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Elysées




























だから 僕もついて行った













今朝は 大通りで


















George Clooney endorses Harris after calling for Biden's Exit




(CNN) ― Actor George Clooney on Tuesday endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, hailing her “historic” White House bid following President Joe Biden’s exit from the 2024 presidential race.


Clooney is seen by many Democratic backers in Hollywood as a sort of compass given his engagement and activism. When he penned a New York Times op-ed earlier this month calling for the president to not seek reelection in the wake of his disastrous debate performance, it was one of several watershed moments in a movement that ultimately ended with Biden’s decision on Sunday to exit the race.


“President Biden has shown what true leadership is. He’s saving democracy once again. We’re all so excited to do whatever we can to support Vice President Harris in her historic quest,” Clooney said in a statement to CNN on Tuesday.


Before his op-ed, Clooney’s standing with Biden had helped rally wider donor and celebrity support, even among some who had never been big Biden fans and were not enthused about backing him long before the debate. The June fundraiser he headlined raised $28 million for Biden’s reelection campaign, the most for the Democratic Party from a single event in history.

So when he wrote that the Biden he saw during the fundraiser, which also included former President Barack Obama, “was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020,” it was a startling admission from a leading Democratic booster and someone who has interacted with Biden privately that, in his view, the president was unfit to serve to another term.


“He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate,” Clooney added in his op-ed, referencing Biden’s faltering performance at the June 27 presidential debate on CNN.

Clooney’s new statement is the latest in a wave of endorsements, including those from state delegations, that have helped push Harris over the threshold needed to secure the Democratic presidential nomination.

She’s been backed by well more than the 1,976 pledged delegates needed to win the nomination on the first ballot, according to CNN’s delegate estimate.


CNN’s Michael Williams contributed to this report.







(CNN)俳優のジョージ・クルーニーさんは火曜日、カマラ・ハリス副大統領を支持し、ジョー・バイデン大統領が2024年の大統領選から撤退したことを受けての ”歴史的な” 大統領選出馬を称賛した。






寄稿文執筆以前、クルーニーさんがバイデン氏を支持する姿勢は、それまではバイデン氏の熱烈なファンではなかった人たちや討論会のずっと前からバイデン氏を支持することに熱心ではなかった人たちからも、より広範囲の寄付者や著名人の支持を集めるための力となっていた。クルーニーさんが主催した6月の資金調達イベントでは、バイデン氏の再選キャンペーンのために2,800万ドル(約43億円)が集まったが、これは単一のイベントで集金した額としては民主党史上、最高額となる。そのため、クルーニーさんが、オバマ元大統領も参加した資金調達イベントで見たバイデン氏は「2010年の ”傑物”ジョー・バイデンではなかった。2020年のバイデンですらなかった」と書いたことは、民主党の有力な支持者であり、バイデン氏と個人的に交流があった人物から見て、大統領はもう一期を務めるには不適格だという驚くべき告発だった。




George Clooney endorses Harris after calling for Biden’s exit | CNN Politics(最終アクセス:2024年7月24日)













     Lately, overtourism has become a problem.  The elevators in downtown stations are constantly filled with foreign tourists dragging large suitcases.


     I am always concerned that there might not be space for wheelchair users, making it difficult for them to use the elevators.


     I hope that either elevators exclusively for wheelchair users are installed in busy railway stations or that staff are stationed in front of the elevators to prioritize guiding wheelchair users.





     This afternoon, I was busy with office work.  When I started to feel tired and checked the time, it was exactly 3 o'clock, so I decided to take a break.  I had some warabi-mochi sweets that I bought at a supermarket on the way to the office.


     Cet après-midi, j'étais occupée avec le travail de bureau.  Lorsque j'ai commencé à me sentir fatiguée et que j'ai regardé l'heure, il était exactement 15 heures, alors j'ai décidé de faire une pause.  J'ai pris des warabi-mochi que j'avais achetés dans un supermarché en route pour le bureau.




Warabi-mochi: Traditional Japanese sweets made from bracken starch.  They are typically served with sweet soybean flour (kinako) and sugar sprinkled on top.






     It's deadly summer heat, isn't it?

     I take my hat off to the mail carriers and newspaper carriers who, being drenched in sweat, make deliveries on their bikes under the flaming sun.


     C'est une chaleur estivale mortelle, n'est-ce pas ?

     Je tire mon chapeau aux facteurs et aux livreurs de journaux qui, étant en sueur, effectuent leurs livraisons à vélo sous un soleil brûlant







Today, after work, I went to a cafe called "Kissako" in Shinsaibashi. 

I enjoyed a matcha Mont Blanc cake. 

Today was another blistering hot day.


Aujourd'hui, après le travail, je suis allée dans un café appelé "Kissako" à Shinsaibashi. 

J'ai dégusté un gâteau Mont Blanc au matcha. 

Aujourd'hui, c'était encore une journée torride.






「4番 皇帝」の正位置。
























Let’s hear from Wes Moore and Kamala Harris and Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom and Andy Beshear and J.B. Pritzker and others.  Let’s agree that the candidates not attack one another but, in the short time we have, focus on what will make this country soar.  Then we could go into the Democratic convention next month and figure it out.

Would it be messy?  Yes. Democracy is messy.  But would it enliven our party and wake up voters who, long before the June debate, had already checked out?  It sure would.  The short ramp to Election Day would be a benefit for us, not a danger.  It would give us the chance to showcase the future without so much opposition research and negative campaigning that comes with these ridiculously long and expensive election seasons. This can be an exciting time for democracy, as we’ve just seen with the 200 or so French candidates who stepped aside and put their personal ambitions on hold to save their democracy from the far right.


Joe Biden is a hero; he saved democracy in 2020.  We need him to do it again in 2024.



George Clooney is an actor, director and film producer.







混乱するだろうか? そうだ。民主党は混乱するものだ。だが、それが私たちの党を活気づけ、6月の討論会よりもずっと前に関心を失ってしまった有権者たちを目覚めさせることになるだろうか? きっとなる。大統領選挙投票日までの短い期間は私たちにとって有益にはたらく。危険なものにではなくだ。ばかげたほど長く費用もかかる選挙シーズンには、反対派の多数の調査やネガティブ・キャンペーンがつきものだが、そういったものに振り回されることなく、私たちには未来を示す機会が与えられる。これは民主主義にとっては心躍る時間となりうる。200人ほどのフランスの候補者たちが、自らの個人的な野心を脇に置き、極右から民主主義を守るために身を引いたのを見たばかりだからだ。













出典: The New York Times, July 10th, 2024. 



(最終アクセス: 2024年7月18日)





It is disingenuous, at best, to argue that Democrats have already spoken with their vote and therefore the nomination is settled and done, when we just received new and upsetting information.  We all think Republicans should abandon their nominee now that he’s been convicted of 34 felonies.  That’s new and upsetting information as well.  Top Democrats — Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi — and senators, representatives and other candidates who face losing in November need to ask this president to voluntarily step aside.


All of the scary stories that we’re being told about what would happen next are simply not true.  In all likelihood, the money in the Biden-Harris coffers could go to help elect the presidential ticket and other Democrats.  The new nominee wouldn’t be left off ballots in Ohio.  We Democrats have a very exciting bench.  We don’t anoint leaders or fall sway to a cult of personality; we vote for a president.  We can easily foresee a group of several strong Democrats stepping forward to stand and tell us why they’re best qualified to lead this country and take on some of the deeply concerning trends we’re seeing from the revenge tour that Donald Trump calls a presidential campaign.














Was he tired?  Yes. A cold?  Maybe.  But our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw.  We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we’ve opted to ignore every warning sign.  The George Stephanopoulos interview only reinforced what we saw the week before.  As Democrats, we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, whom we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question.


Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president. On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate. This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and Congress member and governor who I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.


We love to talk about how the Republican Party has ceded all power, and all of the traits that made it so formidable with Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, to a single person who seeks to hold on to the presidency, and yet most of our members of Congress are opting to wait and see if the dam breaks. But the dam has broken. We can put our heads in the sand and pray for a miracle in November, or we can speak the truth.





疲れていたのか? そうだ。風邪だったのか? たぶん。しかし、我が党のリーダーたちは、5,100万人が見たものを見なかったというのをやめるべきだ。私たち全員はトランプ再選の可能性を恐れるあまりに、あらゆる警告を無視することを選んでしまっている。ジョージ・ステファノプロスのインタビューは、その前週、私たちが見たものをさらに強固にしただけだった。自分たちが尊敬する大統領が大統領専用機から降りてくる時、もしくは、台本にない質問に答えるためにマイクに戻って行くのを見る時、民主党員として私たちは一同、固唾を呑んだり、音量を下げたりする。


こういったことを指摘するのはフェアだろうか? フェアでなければならない。これは年齢の問題だ。それ以外にない。しかし、覆すこともできない。この大統領では11月に勝利することはできない。それだけでなく、下院でも勝てず、上院でも負けてしまう。これは私だけの意見ではない。私が個人的に話したすべての上院議員、下院議員、州知事たちの意見だ。公の場での発言に関わらず、すべての人がそう考えている。

