ツナミ&地震後のUFO艦隊、日本上空 &パキスタン | Ufoウィスダム/普通のヤツラを超えてゆけ!


”悪魔と相乗りする勇気 …あるか ”(仮面ライダーW)
ブロタイはラッカー(rudy Sr.)とポールグレアム(LISP神,スタートアップ提唱)のパクリ

2,3日前、ディスクローズ讃がたしか、tweet で紹介してたV,ですが。やっぱり貼ることにします。

UFO fleet over Japan, After Tsunami & Earthquake, 3 videos, Japan and Pakistan.mp4

投稿者: supergia007 | 作成日: 2011/03/27
It began with a report three weeks ago of a UFO fleet being seen by witnesses as it moved over Japan's Mount Fuji before the individual craft fanned out across the area. This event was reported in all seriousness by no less than China's main government news agency, Xinhua (see their article here and our article here). Western Media steadfastly refused to report the event. The US based "UFO industry" also chose to completely ignore or suppress any information regarding this event, seemingly regarding it as unimportant: This publication was the sole English language news outlet that ran a story on this occurrence.
Shortly after, we covered further sightings in Japan (see articles here and here). There was no doubt about it, UFO activity in Japan was unprecedented and something was happening in the area. For two weeks now our website's front page headline has stated "Asia awash with UFO and alien events". In a subsequent article we asked: "The question now on the minds of many Japanese citizens is, if indeed these craft are of extraterrestrial origin, what do they want from Japan?"
Numerous UFO sightings in Japan continue to be made, right up to this moment, and are still being ignored by the West. We just received a second witness's footage of the UFO fleet seen a week ago (see first video below) and close-up footage of what appears to be one of the craft originally seen above Mt Fuji

Music : Original SoundTrack Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Borgia Tower

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空飛ぶ円盤同乗記 (ボーダーランド文庫)