*日本語を入力するのに時々 Google 翻訳を使います。おかしな日本語を許してください。*


イギリスWhy I started to study Japanese - 僕が日本語を勉強し始めた理由日本



Before I begin I will do a short introduction for new readers.




I am a Special Educational Needs teacher in Northern Ireland (UK). I am writing a blog to give advice on Special Educational Needs and to practice my Japanese. I might write about other topics that interest me from time to time.




I am married, enjoy Japanese culture and I am going to move back to Japan to live.



Sega Dreamcast - セガ ドリームキャスト


I first became intersted in Japan as a kid. I am a early 1990's kid. The internet wasn't really a big thing and Japan was a country I had not heard about. That was my parents bought me a game called "Shenmue". It was a game set in Japan during the 1980s. The video game's plot was very complex. In it you play as a high school student called Ryo Hazuki. He witnessed the murder of his father and sought revenge against the man who killed his father. The game slowly becomes more super natural. Anyway the plot isn't that important to this post.


僕が初めて日本に興味を持ったのは子供の頃でした。僕は1990年代初頭の子供です。インターネットもそれほど大きくなかったし、日本は聞いたこともない国でした。それは両親が僕にシェンムーというゲームを買ってくれるまででした。 1980年代の日本を舞台にしたゲームです。そのビデオゲームのプロットは非常に複雑でした。この作品では、あなたは葉月涼という高校生としてプレイします。彼は父親の殺害を目撃しており、父親を殺した男への復讐を求めていた。ゲームは徐々に超自然的なものになっていきます。とにかく、この記事ではプロットはそれほど重要ではありません。



The game is set in a real location in Japan. I was mesmorised by the unique scenery. I hadn't seen anything like this before. The houses were different, the music was very charming and peaceful and the people spoke a language I had never heard before. As a kid I remember thinking how cool Japanese sounded. I thought the streets looked cool and that there were a lot of cool places to see. My thoughts as a kid were very simple lol.




As much as I loved the Shenmue games I never started studying Japanese. I mean during that time I was around 8 years old. Japanese isn't taught in schools here, I couldn't learn Japanese online and there were no textbooks for me to buy anywhere. In my teenage years my thoughts of Japan became less and less. That changed when I went to university.


僕はシェンムー ゲームが大好きでしたが、日本語の学習を始めたわけではありません。つまり、当時僕は8歳くらいでした。ここの学校では日本語は教えられておらず、オンラインで日本語を学ぶこともできず、どこでも買える教科書もありませんでした。 10代に入ると、日本に対する気持ちが薄れていきました。それが変わったのは大学に入ってからです。



University was very difficult and truthfully I really hated it. I didn't really make friends and I was losing interest in a lot of things because all I did was study all the time. I knew I needed another hobby and something to help take my mind off of my university assignments. That new hobby came when a friend recommended this cool show called "Bleach". I started watching it online and realised it was Japanese! I didn't know what anime was at that point. I remember watching Bleach and listening to the Japanese. It reminded me of Shenmue. It reminded me of how as a kid I was so interested in Japan!





The anime Bleach reminded me of my interest in Japan, Japanese language and Japanese culture. Not long after starting to watch Bleach I went onto Amazon, searched Japanese language textbook and immediately bought a Japanese textbook that received good reviews. When that book arrived I google searched "hiragana and katanaka". I printed out sheets that allowed me to trace over the various hiragana and katakana. I did that every day for weeks until I memorised them. I kept writing over the dull lines of the hiragana and katakana, then I would use an eraser to rub out the writing and do it again.


アニメ「ブリーチ」は、僕に日本、日本語、日本文化への興味を思い出させました。 『ブリーチ』を見始めてすぐに、アマゾンで日本語の教科書を探し、評判の良かったものをすぐに購入しました。本が届いたのでGoogleで「ひらがな・かたなか」と検索しました。ひらがなとカタカナをなぞることができるシートを印刷しました。暗記するまで何週間も毎日繰り返しました。ひらがなやカタカナの鈍い線に、消しゴムで文字をこすっては書き、また繰り返しました。



Eventually I bought the next 2 books of this Japanese textbook series. I started watching Japanese drama and listening to Japanese music. I created paper flashcards and eventually created flashcards on an app on my phone.


結局、この日本語教科書シリーズの次の 2 冊を購入しました。日本のドラマを見たり、日本の音楽を聴き始めました。僕は紙のフラッシュカードを作成し、最終的には携帯電話のアプリを使用してフラッシュカードを作成しました。


Since I started studying Japanese I have been to Japan 8 times. I have lived and worked in Japan, fell in love in Japan and got married in Japan. It's interesting. A video game based on Japan as a kid created a strong interest in Japan and helped to change my life.




I am still studying Japanese now. I still rely on help from a translator app to help with my blog posts, but I am happy with my progress. My progress is a lot slower now compared to my early 20s, but I don't give up. I encourage you to learn a language as well. If there is a country you like and have a passion for then go on Amazon, search for a book on that language and start studying :)


僕はまだ日本語を勉強しています。ブログ記事の作成には今でも翻訳アプリに頼っていますが、進歩には満足しています。 20代前半の頃に比べるとかなり進歩は遅くなりましたが、諦めてはいません。言語を学ぶこともお勧めします。大好きで情熱を注いでいる国がある場合は、Amazon でその言語に関する本を見つけて学習を始めてください :)