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イギリスGreece Athens - A hot trip in Athens! - ギリシャ アテネ - アテネへの熱い旅!日本

Before I begin I will do a short introduction for new readers.




I am a Special Educational Needs teacher in Northern Ireland (UK). I am writing a blog to give advice on Special Educational Needs and to practice my Japanese. I might write about other topics that interest me from time to time.




I am married, enjoy Japanese culture and I am going to move back to Japan to live.



Athens is not what I expected! - アテネは僕が期待していたものとは違いました!


Athens! Wow! What an adventure! What a shock as well! Last summer, me, my parents and younger brother went on another cruise. That was my second cruise. So far I have only been on two. Athens was our starting city. My dad always ALWAYS wanted to go to Athens. It was a bucket list visit for him. So as a surprise me, my brother and mum booked two nights in Athens before the start of the cruise trip. My dad was surprised! In fact when we arrived in Athens we were all surprised!
アテネ!おお!なんという冒険でしょう!それは驚くべきことです!去年の夏、両親、兄、そして僕は別のクルーズに行きました。それが僕にとって2回目のクルーズでした。まだ2台しか乗っていません。アテネが私たちの出発都市でした。父はいつもアテネに行きたがっていました。それは彼にとって一生に一度の訪問でした。そこで、父、僕、弟、母を驚かせるために、クルーズ旅行が始まる前にアテネでの 2 泊を予約しました。お父さんもびっくりしてました!実際、アテネに到着したとき、私たちは皆驚きました。
We arrived at our hotel. We booked this entire holiday package through a travel agent. The hotel wasn't our first choice, but it was central and the rooms looked nice. However, some reviews of the hotel were a little startling. It mentioned how there was some nasty behaviour in the area.
Upon arriving in the area by taxi we weren't very happy with the location. It felt very dangerous. There was graffiti every where and there was a lot of homeless people in the area. This was already reminding me of the Greek island of Santorini. Not only that, but we realised at night time Greece is not very well lit up.
After checking into the hotel, being satisfied with our rooms and quickly unpacking we went out to find a nice restaurant and eat some dinner. We walked five minutes down the road, past various homeless people lying on the footpaths and shop entrances. We were lucky to find a very clean and friendly looking restaurant down a side street. We decided to eat there. The owner was very friendly and spoke to us throughout our meal. That night we got two pizzas and some side meals. The pizza was very good!
After our meal we returned back to our hotel and went up to the top floor where we discovered the rooftop pool. We seen from the pool area where we would be going to the next day. It was the Acropolis. The Acropolis is like a giant Castle. It was built to honour a Greek goddess named Athena. It famous for its lovely white marbel buildings and elaborate design. Me, my parents and brother were very excited to go there the next morning.
That morning we woke up early and got ready to go out after some breakfast. We walked to the Acropolis and arrived rather early in the morning. There was not a big queue to get in at this point. However the morning heat was already really hot! After getting our tickets and getting inside it wasn't long before we joined another queue. In fact this queue was massive. During our entire time at the Acropolis we were in a queue. We got to admire some lovely scenery while we waited, but due to the intense heat and lack of shelter is was very difficult to enjoy. We soon discovered that the heat that day was around 45 degrees celcius.
The Acropolis is definitely a tourist trap. Yes, the buildings are magnificent. However, it is very dangerous! There are many very steep drop off points where someone could very easily fall and injure themself rather badly. The slopes are very slipperly and there are very few hand rails.The one in the picture above is one of very few. I am not normally one to worry about health and safety but the Acropolis experience was not one I would like to repeat. Also if you use crutches, a walking stick or have limited moving ability definitely avoid visiting the Acropolis as it is not an accessible location for people with limited mobility.
After about an hour or more of waiting in queues we finally reached the top. We looked around and admired the marvelous buildings. They really were splendid. However, we all agreed it was definitely just a once in a life time visit lol.
I will continue this post next Friday as this particular day in Athens was very long. I don't like to make my posts too long as not everyone has the time to read a very long post.
I like to give very honest opinions about where I visit. While I might sound harsh I think honest is the best policy. It could help prepare other people who are visiting other countries.
