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イギリスEurope Cruise - Turkey - Day 4 - ヨーロッパ クルーズ -トルコ- 4 日目日本

Before I begin I will do a short introduction for new readers.




I am a Special Educational Needs teacher in Northern Ireland (UK). I am writing a blog to give advice on Special Educational Needs and to practice my Japanese. I might write about other topics that interest me from time to time.




I am married, enjoy Japanese culture and I am going to move back to Japan to live.



Brief Recap - 簡単な概要


I have done a few posts on this cruise holiday. This is a post on the fourth day. As a reminder the cruise ship I was travelling on was called the Royal Caribbean. I was travelling with my parents and my younger brother. Up until this point we had been to Italy, had a day at sea and visited Santorini.


このクルーズ休暇についてはいくつか投稿しました。 4日目の投稿です。ちなみに僕が乗ったクルーズ船はロイヤルカリビアンでした。僕は両親と弟と一緒に旅行していました。この時点まで、私たちはイタリアに行って、海で一日過ごし、サントリーニ島を訪れていました。

Day 4 in Turkey -トルコ4日目


I didn't know what to expect when we arrived in Turkey. To be honest it was a country that didn't really interest me in the past. I had my reasons for this. Regeardless of these reasons I was looking forward to buying Turkish Delight, a famous sweet product made in Turkey.




As we approached Turkey we got to see an amazing outside view of the city Kusadasi!






I liked how the city had a sign similar to the famous Hollywood sign. You can see the name "Kusadasi" in the picture above. There is a sign with white capital letters.




After getting off the ship we felt an intense heat. It was very warm that day! In order to completely leave the port area we had to pass through a shopping arcade. After passing by the first two shops I noticed many tourists being targetted by the local shop keepers. They approached people very closely, spoke English and were very strong willed about wanting tourists to buy from their shop.


船から降りると猛烈な暑さを感じました。その日はとても暖かかったですね!港エリアから完全に離れるには商店街を通らなければなりませんでした。最初の 2 つの店を通り過ぎた後、多くの観光客が地元の店主に狙われていることに気づきました。彼らは人々にとても親しみ、英語を話し、観光客に自分たちの店で買ってもらいたいという強い願望を持っていました。


I soon experienced this attitude for myself from the local shop owners. It was very uncomfortable and actually incredibly annoying. My parents and brother thought the same. Most tourists including me, my parents and younger brother ignored these shop owners. We just wanted into the main part of the city.




We eventually entered one of the main streets to the city. It was nice and scenic, but the same problem persisted. Rude shop owners!





Every street we walked down and every shop we passed by had at least one or two shop owners standing outside. They were constantly approaching tourists, getting very close and using every single trick in the book to get you to enter their shop. They particularly targetted women and attempted a lot of rather embarrassing flattery to try and get women to enter their shop. At times the shop owners would get a little nasty if they weren't having luck at getting tourists to enter their shop. This could be noticed in their tone and they would then begin speaking in a harsh tone in their own language.




Anyway, we eventually found a shop that sold Turkish Delight. However, strangely enough none of the products had a price tag. So, we tried a different Turkish Delight shop. None of them had a price tag either. So we found another one. Same problem. No price tags. After giving up on searching I decided I would ask the shop owner how much it would cost for a small box of Turkish Delight. He replied with 25 Euros. I couldn't belive it. That was so expensive. For just a small box. Not even the most extravagant British chocolates or sweets cost that much for such a tiny box. When the shop owner seen me put the box back he lowered the price. After a bit of bargaining I bought a few boxes at a more reasonable price. However, the experience was a bit of a nuisance.




After a few hours in Kusadasi we decided to return back to the ship. My mum bought a handbag for herself. As expected, the shop didn't have price tags, so my mum had to haggle a price. I guess Turkey has haggling culture?




The entire walk back to the cruise ship we were constantly called by various shop owners, experienced annoying flattery and shop owners approaching too close to our personal space. It was such a relief once we arrived at the port. We then met another British family from our boat. We spoke to them a little and they also got tired of the constant pressure from the shop owners.






Evening - 夕方


We then returned to our rooms and got ready to go to the pool. Since we arrived back on the ship around lunch time we decided to get some food near the pool area.




Before leaving my room I took a quick picture of the big boat next to our ship. Clearly Kusadasi is a popular port for big cruise ships.





After spending time at the pool, relaxing and listening to music the time went in very quickly. Soon it became time for dinner and after that we decided to enjoy some of the evening entertainment.




On that particular night there was a very creative play. It made use of special effects, interesting lighting, music and dancing. The costumers were also very elabrotate and it had a running theme of magic.





The seats we got were good, that was until the people who had reserved the seats infront arrived. However, we could still see pretty well. Sadly I couldn't take great pictures of the performances.






Overall it was a good day and a great night. Hopefully this gives an insight of what Turkey is like for a tourist. If you happen to go to Turkey I hope you enjoy the experience. However, it might be a good idea to research before going as I did not expect that type of behaviour from shop owners.




English - 英語

Turkey -トルコ
Evening - 夕方
City - 都市
Annoying - 迷惑な