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イギリスTeaching Assistants - 教育助手日本

Before I begin I will do a short introduction for new readers.




I am a Special Educational Needs teacher in Northern Ireland (UK). I am writing a blog to give advice on Special Educational Needs and to practice my Japanese. I might write about other topics that interest me from time to time.




I am married, enjoy Japanese culture and I am going to move back to Japan to live.



My experience as a teaching assistant - 教育助手としての僕の経験


Before I became a teacher I worked as a teaching assistant for a few years. During that time I knew I wanted to be a teacher, but I realised I wasn't mature enough and didn't have enough experience working in a school. I just didn't feel ready.




I worked in an "integrated school". This type of school prides itself in accepting all cultures, religious and social backgrounds.




It was also a secondary school that taught ages 11-18.


ここは 11 歳から 18 歳までの子供たちが通う中等学校でもありました。


During my first year I was assigned two students. Both of which had special educational needs. Both students weren't in the same timetabled classes so I had to figure out what classes I should prioritise.





I assisted them with socialising, spelling, provided further explanation on how to complete their school work, showed them how to study more efficiently and slowly helped them become more independent.




I worked with those students for 2 years.




After they graduated I was assigned different students to work with. However, my workload rapidly increased. By the time of my final year working in that school I was working with 6 different students. All in different year groups. This made it impossible to properly do my job. Adding to my frustration was the fact there were other teaching assistants who only had 1 student and did not completely carry out the responsibilities of the job.


彼らが卒業した後、僕は一緒に働く別の学生を割り当てられました。しかし、僕の仕事量は急速に増加しました。その学校で働く最後の年までに、僕は 6 人の異なる学生と仕事をするようになりました。全員が異なる学年のグループに属しています。そのため、仕事を適切に行うことができなくなりました。僕のフラストレーションをさらに増したのは、生徒が 1 人だけで、職務責任を十分に果たしていないティーチング・アシスタントが他にもいたという事実でした。



Fortunately during my final year working as a teaching assistant I had been accepted back into university to complete my post graduate degree in teaching.




How teachers treated me as a teaching assistant - 先生が僕をティーチングアシスタントとしてどのように扱ったか。

I want to briefly talk about how teachers treat teaching assistants.
I worked as a teaching assistant for 6 years. This allowed me to see many different types of teachers.
Some teachers really did not like teaching assistants. They thought of teacher assistants as a distraction. This led to a lack of respect towards teacher assistants. I always thought this was rather sad. Teacher assistants are there to support teachers. When I was in that job role I wanted to help the teacher. That was my job. I was happy to do printing, assist with organising work and assist with the teaching.
Fortunately not all teachers behaved negatively towards teaching assistants. In fact, most teachers behaved positively towards teaching assistants. Most teachers greeted me when I arrived in their classroom, asked about my day and got to know me as a person. I ofcourse got to know them and developed friendships with these teachers. Naturally I did my best to work hard for these nice teachers. I didn't want to disappoint them, so I gave my best effort.
To my own shock some of these teachers even got me gifts at the end of the school year. I seen no reason to give me a gift, I was doing my job. However, they appreciated my efforts in their class and for lessening the teacher's workload.
After being a teaching assistant I understand how lonely that job role can be. It can be intimidating especially when teachers don't make teaching assistants feel welcome. Now I am a teacher.
It is our duty as teachers to show our students how to treat other adults with respect. Our students watch our actions. If we as teachers can't treat others with respect then how can we expect our students to respect other people?
Continue to treat your teaching assistants positively, get to know them better and if they are just new to that job then give them a warm welcome :)

English - 英語

Teaching assistant - 教育助手 - ティーチングアシスタント
Kind - 親切
Friend - 友達
University - 大学