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イギリスSEN & Origami - 特別支援教育と折り紙日本

Before I begin I will do a short introduction for new readers.




I am a Special Educational Needs teacher in Northern Ireland (UK). I am writing a blog to give advice on Special Educational Needs and to practice my Japanese. I might write about other topics that interest me from time to time.




I am married, enjoy Japanese culture and I am going to move back to Japan to live.



SEN & Origami - 特別支援教育と折り紙

This year I have been teaching a small class of 3 students. All with a range of special educational needs. The class is so small as it is labeled a "behaviour class". This means these students display a range of challenging behaviours.
今年は3名の少人数クラスを担当させていただきました。全員が異なる特別な教育ニーズを持っています。 「行動クラス」と呼ばれていますが、このクラスは非常に小規模です。これは、これらの生徒がさまざまな困難な行動を示していることを意味します。
In September 2023, which is the start of the UK school year, I decided to try out various teaching activities one of which was origami during the art class.
2023 年 9 月に英国で新学期が始まるため、さまざまな教育活動を試してみることにしました。その一つが美術の授業での折り紙でした。
To my surprise these 3 students really enjoyed it. I decided to keep origami activities to once and at most twice a month. My students would often ask when we will be doing another origami activity.
驚いたことに、この 3 人の生徒たちはとても楽しんでいました。折り紙活動は月に1回、多くても2回までにとどめることにしました。僕の生徒たちは、次の折り紙活動はいつ行うのかとよく尋ねます。
Naturally I didn't want them to become bored of origami which is why I limited how much we did this type of art lesson.
The way I taught origami was very simple. I would research on YouTube for simple origami. I practiced it a few times myself, it didn't need to be perfect but I practiced enough so I was confident.
僕が折り紙を教えた方法はとてもシンプルでした。 YouTubeで簡単な折り紙を探してみます。僕も何度か練習しましたが、完璧である必要はありませんでしたが、十分に練習したので自信がありました。
In my classroom I had 3 teaching assistants due to the student's behaviour challenges. That meant a member of staff could assist each student.
僕の教室には、生徒の行動上の問題のため、ティーチングアシスタントが 3 人いました。これは、スタッフが各学生をサポートできることを意味します。
At the beginning of the origami lesson I showed the students a finished version of the origami we would be making.
I let them choose the origami paper they wanted to use.
Before starting the origami YouTube video tutorial I slowed down the speed of the video in the video settings.
折り紙の YouTube ビデオ チュートリアルを開始する前に、ビデオ設定でビデオの速度を落としました。
I frequently pasued the origami video to check on my students progress. I helped them and my staff with the origami folding.
I then unpaused the origami tutorial. This process continued until the origami was done.
If the class wanted to try it again I would let them have a second attempt.
The origami wasn't always perfect, but what mattered most was that they had fun and gave it their best effort.

Advantages of origami - 折り紙の利点

During the origami lessons I noticed a few things regarding my students:
- The students level of focus improved
- Their fine motor skills developed
- They developed a new hobby
- They became more creative
- It helped them become a lot more calm

English - 英語

- Classroom 教室
- Hobby 趣味
- Teaching assistant 教育助手
- September 九月
- Teach 教える