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イギリスDay 3 Of Cruise - クルーズ 3 日目日本


Before I begin I will do a short introduction for new readers.




I am a Special Educational Needs teacher in Northern Ireland (UK). I am writing a blog to give advice on Special Educational Needs and to practice my Japanese. I might write about other topics that interest me from time to time.




I am married, enjoy Japanese culture and I am going to move back to Japan to live.



Day 3 of Cruise - クルーズ 3 日目

When I woke up on the third day of the cruise I realised we had arrived in Santorini Greece. This was my first time there. I had only seen Santorini on TV and heard many good things about it. I always thought it looked like a lovely place. However, I was actually glad to return to the cruise ship at the end.


クルーズの 3 日目に目が覚めたとき、私たちはギリシャのサントリーニ島に到着したことに気づきました。そこに行くのは初めてでした。僕はサントリーニ島をテレビでしか見たことがなく、それについて良いことをたくさん聞いていました。いつも素敵な場所だと思っていました。でも、やっとクルーズ船に戻ることができて本当に嬉しかったです。



Santorini actually doesn't have a port to dock into. So to get to the island we had to take a small boat from the cruise ship. To join the queue we had to quickly go down to a reception area. We were then assigned a group number. We then had to wait until our group number was called before we could board the small boat to Santorini. Since everyone wanted to visit Santorini this process to a very long time!





Me, my parents and brother had to wait up to two hours before we got our turn to board the small boat to Santorini.

It was a short 5 to 10 minute journey. After arriving we noticed a very long queue. We discovered this queue was to get up to the top of the island as the arrival point only had a small selection of shops and then a cable car to the top of the island. There was another option and that was to climb a very steep hill in tremendous heat.


両親、弟、そして僕は、サントリーニ島行きの小さなボートに乗る順番が来るまで、最大 2 時間待たなければなりませんでした。


We opted to wait for the cable car. This took around 1 hour and 30 minutes.





After we got off the cable car we unfortunately seen a lot of homeless people and children. I had no idea this was so prominent in Santorini.




There was also a lot of litter and rubbish. As someone who really likes cleanliness I struggled with this.




We explored Santorini, visiting shops, got ice cream and something to eat and drink. We took many pictures, but the heat was so intense we decided not to stay too long. Fortunately the queue to go down the cable car wasn't as long and we didn't need to wait a long time to board the small boat back to the cruise ship.





It's possible other towns in Santorini could be a lot nicer than the place our cruise ship took us too, but that experience seems to have shifted my opinion.




Santorini Advice - サントリーニ島のアドバイス

I will list some advice for Santorini:




- Put some cold water in a flask before leaving the ship




- Beware of pickpocketing. Tourists from cruise ships are key targets in Santorini




- Ensure you are one of the first groups off the ship. If you are a middle group then you will be waiting a long time to get off the cruise ship. You will also wait a very long time to get onto the cable car.




- Ensure you wear a hat, cap or even take an umbrella for shelter from the sun. Due to being high up it is very warm! There is no shelter when waiting for the cable car. None!




Evening on the cruise - クルーズ船の夜

That evening we got some dinner at the buffet as well as some dessert. A cold dessert was much needed after such a warm day!





We were very tired that night! A combination of standing around in the heat and a lot of walking likely caused it.




After our dinner we explored some of the shops on the ship. We then discovered another bar lounge area that had recorded musical performances. It had a nice vibe so we stayed there a while and had a cocktail each.






English - 英語


Evening - 夕方

Warm - 暖かい

Cap - キャップ

Tired - 疲れた

Pickpocket - 掏摸