イギリスFirst Cruise Experience - 初めてのクルーズ体験日本

*日本語を入力するのに時々 Google 翻訳を使います。おかしな日本語を許してください。*


Before I begin I will do a short introduction for new readers.




I am a Special Educational Needs teacher in Northern Ireland (UK). I am writing a blog to give advice on Special Educational Needs and to practice my Japanese. I might write about other topics that interest me from time to time.




I am married, enjoy Japanese culture and I am going to move back to Japan to live.




My First Thoughts On Cruising - クルージングについて最初に思ったこと


I went on my first cruise two summers ago. Until then I had only travelled to a city and stayed in a hotel. However, at that time Covid was coming to an end so my parents surprised me and my brother with a family holiday. I hadn't been on holiday with my parents in years, so I was very surprised. Back then when I thought of the word "cruise" I thought that was something old people did, not someone my age. My opinion has totally changed now!




Journey To The Port - 港への旅


Firstly we flew from Northern Ireland to Italy. This part of the journey took 2 hours and 30 minutes. After that we travelled to the port by bus. This bus journey lasted around an hour. Once we arrived at the port we had to line up and check in at the terminal. After check in we received our cruise ID card. We then completed the security check. The process was all very simple! Our luggage like everyone else's arrive at our room later before departing.


まず私たち飛行機で北アイルランドからイタリアへ向かいました。この部分には 2 時間 30 分かかりました。それからバスで港まで乗りました。このバスの旅は一時間ぐらいかかりました。港に到着したら、ターミナルに並んでチェックインをしなければなりませんでした。 チェックイン後、クルーズIDカードを受け取りました。その後、セキュリティチェックを完了しました。 プロセス全体はとても簡単でした。私たちの荷物も他の皆さんと同じように出発前に部屋に到着します。


After completing security we got our first view of the cruise ship and it was amazing!





Food On A Cruise Ship - クルーズ船での食事


The food on the cruise was fantastic! There was an all you can eat buffet. Some people had a mountain of food on their plate. However, I just enjoyed getting to try new food. When visiting a new country the buffet sometimes had a section for that country's food. For example when we went to Greece there was an area specialising in Greek food. The buffet changed depending on the time of day. At morning it focussed on breakfast type food. This would include various bread, fruit, eggs, bacon, sausages etc. At lunch the buffet selection would change and it would change once again at dinner time.






The cruise ship also had "speciality restaurants". These were restaurants you had to book table at and pay for. If you wanted to you could book a table at a certain restaurant before your cruise. This was cheaper. If you booked during the cruise it was more expensive.




Me and my mum ate at a Japanese restaurant on the cruise ship and we were not disappointed.






Entertainment On A Cruise - クルーズ中のエンターテイメント

A cruise ship has a lot of entertainment. This cruise had various shops, cafes, restaurants, pool areas, a gym, a library, a running track, a climbing wall and evening shows. On this particular cruise there was more than what I listed. There was just so much to do.




I particularly liked the evening shows. One of them was a superhero musical. The costumes were funny, but the performance by the dancers was amazing. It was a good laugh!




During the day me, my parents and brother often went out to the city our ship docked at. During the day we explored, but at night we enjoyed the entertainment on the cruise ship.






Closing Thoughts - 僕の考え

I think a cruise is something everyone should try and do some time in their life if they can afford it. It's an easy way to see the world. It also can give you a preview of what a certain country is like. I could have made this post longer, but it will take long enough to read I think. If you could go on a cruise what continent or country would you like to cruise around?




English Language - 英語

Country - 国

All you can eat - 食べ放題

Parents - 両親

Younger brother - 弟

Port - 港