8.12. 私はこの地のマシジミの激減は異常と思っている。私は今回の管理組合のより良い対策、発展を願うだけである。未熟な私は58年もこの地に御恩を受けながらこの地のマシジミに今何も出来ないのが残念である。私はこの地のマシジミを日本、世界に紹介したい。

8.12. I think the sudden decline in the number of corbiculatus in this area is abnormal. I can only hope for better measures and development from the management association. It is unfortunate that I, who am still inexperienced, cannot do anything for the corbiculatus here, even though I have been blessed with the land for 58 years. I would like to introduce the corbiculatus here to Japan and the world.