7.18. その後、私はマシジミ実験の御指導をS博士とT博士にお願いした。そして日本初のマシジミの餌はメダカの糞等に微生物が集団で増殖して作られると予想し日本の特許を取った。詳細は不明で多種の微生物が個個体でなく爆発的に増殖し集団で餌を作ると予想された。

7.18. After that, I asked Dr. S and Dr. T to guide me in my experiments with corbicula. I obtained a Japanese patent on the assumption that the first food for corbicula in Japan would be made by the collective proliferation of microorganisms in the feces of killifish. Details are unknown, but it was expected that a variety of microorganisms would explosively proliferate and produce food in a collective rather than as individuals.