6.10. 私は年よりであるが私は自分で判断出来ない悩みがあった。すると天才哲学者と言われる元京大博士を紹介して戴いた。私の悩みはM博士の哲学入門の入り口の部分で簡単に解決した。その考え方は世界の全ての人に必要と勝手に考えた。私はマゼランを思い出した。

6.10. I am older than I am, but I had a problem that I could not solve by myself. Then I was introduced to a former Kyoto University professor who is said to be a genius philosopher. My problem was easily solved by the introduction to Dr. M's introduction to philosophy. I thought that this way of thinking is necessary for everyone in the world. I was reminded of Magellan.