








You went to a private primary school and I went to a public school, we both ended in the same high school. We both took the same course but, I went to a state college and you went to an expensive private university, we both end up in the same workplace and receive the same salary. You woke up from the soft bed and I woke up from the floor, we both had a peaceful night rest. Your outfits are all expensive, mine are all simple and cheap, we both still cover our nakedness. You ate fried rice and roasted chicken, I ate local made food but we both still ate to our satisfaction. You ride on your own car, I use public transport but we still get to our various destinations. You may be reading this post from your Samsung Galaxy 7 Edge, iPhone 6+ and I typed it with my Touch One broken screen, we still see the same message.
Lifestyle is not a competition and there are different ways to get a lot of things done, different lanes all leading to the same destination. Just because your neighbor is doing things faster does not mean you are failing.
Happiness doesn't come from having everything, but making the best out of what you have, it's all about how you see yourself. Happiness is not having what you like. Happiness is liking what you have and being content.
God is the center of our life...
Enjoy life and what you have.
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