
Space museum in Roppongi:) 

What I've learned today is

"How the northern lights are made"

The point is, 
"Electron, Proton, and nutron "

Every atom is made of nutron, proton, electron, which are called particle. 
An electron has a negative charge
An proton has a positive charge 
Nutron has nutral charge or no charge..

These charged particle fly towards the earth from the sun!! And interact with outer atomsphere.  

Nucleus fission, it creates a lot of energy 

Sun is made of mostly hydrogen, electron is shaking so hard, and exploding because of the heat and violent! Sun spits all the plasma , mostly proton out into space.  
Our earth luckily have Magnetic field all around

Plasma, mainly proton hits the magnetic field, and follow its magnetic field toward north and South Pole.
When Proton hits oxygen, we see green light 
which is Interacting with our atomopsphere.  

In the outer atomosphere has lots of oxygen, also known as " O "!  
We  know O3 known as ozon, ..,,

That's it for today!