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Attn: Application for the ITF match

Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is Masaharu Tsuchiya, I am a professional tennis player from Japn.

I have found the match which will be held in New Caledonia through the ITF website.
New Caledonia is a special place for me where I was able to participate in the ATP match
for the first time two years ago.

The next match might be my last chance.
I heard when i participated in the Waikoloa match last january that players who do not
have any points cannot participate in any matches due to the new rules of this year.

I don't have any ranking as of now.
I cannot move my neck, weist and right shoulder like before because of a traffic accident.
I don't have a sponsor, and my credit is reaching the limit.
This match might be my last chance to play.
I am begging you to please give me a chance to register.

Please send me the tournament information of the match that will be held in New Caledonia.

With best regards.
Masaharu Tsuchiya

英会話チャットの○○さん△△さん ありがとうございました
Thank you very much for your help! I wonna get the chance!