IPIN更新 | MASAHARUオフィシャルブログ 「世界一弱いプロテニスプレーヤーのブログ」 powered by アメブロ




Player Welfare Statement

1. Agreements of the Player

I declare that I am aware of and will abide by the Rules of Tennis, as approved by the International Tennis Federation, the ITF Pro Circuit and/or ITF Junior and/or ITF Wheelchair Tennis Circuit Regulations and Code of Conduct, as amended from time to time by the ITF Men’s and Women’s and/or Junior and/or Wheelchair Tennis Circuit Committees (the "Rules"). The Rules include, but are not limited to the Age Eligibility Rule; the ITF Tennis Anti-Doping program; the Uniform Tennis Anti-Corruption Program and the ITF Player Welfare Policy. Finally, I understand that this agreement will remain in full force and effect until I further advise the ITF in writing that I am permanently retiring from participation in tennis with immediate effect.


I understand that there may be some risks involved in my participation in ITF Tournaments, including, but not limited to, those associated with weather conditions, playing conditions, equipment, other participants and spectators. I fully assume the risks associated with my participation in the Tournaments. To the full extent permissible by law I waive any and all claims that I, my heirs or legal representatives may have against the ITF, the Tournaments, or any ITF sponsor or against any director, officer, employee, authorized agent or independent contractor of any of them for personal injury and/or any loss or damage that is incurred during my participation in a Tournament or arising in conjunction with any decision, ruling or action of any of them or their directors, officers, employees, authorized agent or independent contractor with respect to all matters within their respective jurisdictions.

I hereby accept that in the event of a tournament being cancelled for reasons of force majeure or a perceived risk in the opinion of the ITF or tournament organiser, the ITF or tournament organiser accepts no liability for unrecoverable costs including, but not limited to, airfares and accommodation costs.

2. Anti-Doping Consent

I understand and agree that the ITF may conduct anti-doping testing at ITF-sanctioned events under the ITF Tennis Anti-Doping Programme (the "Programme"), the full text of which can be found at www.itftennis.com/antidoping . I consent and agree to comply with all of the provisions of the Programme. I acknowledge that I have had an opportunity to review the Programme and that I understand its provisions, including what constitutes a Doping Offence. The Programme shall apply to and be binding upon me and shall govern my participation in the events specified in Article B of the Programme, which includes ITF-sanctioned events. I hereby submit to the jurisdiction and authority of the ITF to manage, administer and enforce the Programme and to the jurisdiction and authority of an Anti-Doping Tribunal and the Court of Arbitration for Sport (the "CAS") to determine any charges brought under the Programme. Any dispute arising out of any decision made by an Anti-Doping Tribunal, or any dispute arising under or in connection with the Programme, after exhaustion of the Programme’s Anti-Doping Tribunal process and any other proceedings expressly provided for in the Programme, shall be submitted exclusively to the CAS for final and binding arbitration in accordance with Article O of the Programme and CAS’s Code of Sports-Related Arbitration. The decisions of CAS shall be final, non-reviewable, non-appealable and enforceable. I agree that I will not bring any claim, arbitration, lawsuit or litigation arising out of or relating to the Programme in any other court or tribunal. I understand the time limit for any submission of an appeal to CAS shall be twenty-one (21) days after the decision of the Anti-Doping Tribunal has been communicated to me. I hereby waive any and all claims that I, my heirs or legal representatives may have against the ITF and their respective directors, officers, employees and independent contractors arising out of or related to the Programme.

3. Anti-Corruption Consent

I understand that I am subject to the provisions of the Uniform Tennis Anti-Corruption Programme (the "Anti-Corruption Programme"), found on the ITF website and I agree not to violate any of the provisions therein. I acknowledge and understand that the Anti-Corruption Programme covers "wagering" "Corruption" and "Reporting Obligations" and such terms are defined in the Anti-Corruption Program. I acknowledge and understand that if I may be subject to the disciplinary process set am found to have violated any of the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Programme, I shall be subject to disciplinary process the penalties set forth in the Anti-Corruption Programme.

4. Eligibility for Wheelchair Tennis Players

I understand and agree that I have a medically diagnosed permanent physical disability as defined in the Rules of Wheelchair tennis, found at www.itftennis.com/wheelchair/rules/eligibilityrules.asp and that i am eligible to compete in ITF sanctioned wheelchair tennis tournaments. I understand that if requested by the ITF, I am required to supply appropriate medical documentation that substantiates the disability.

5. Minor Medical Release - Players under 18 years of Age

When participating at the Tournaments, if any emergency arises involving the physical or psychological well-being of the player and, at such time I (or any other legal guardian of the player) am not immediately available, I hereby give any Tournament appointed official, tournament physician and/or Sports Medicine Trainer full permission and authority to take such steps as are medically reasonably necessary to protect and assist the player. I agree to pay any hospital expenses, physician bills or any other expenses incurred as a result of any such medical emergency. In non-emergency situations, I hereby give any Tournament appointed tournament physician and/or Sports Medicine Trainer full permission and authority to administer standard on-site treatment as needed, including, but not limited to, standard athlete training treatments, medical care and physical therapy. I understand that such standard treatments may also be administered off-site during the Tournament week at the official Tournament hotel by the Tournament appointed tournament physician and/or Sports Medicine Trainer. Finally, I understand that this Minor Medical Release will remain in full force and effect until the eighteenth (18th) birthday of the player or until I further advise the ITF.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Save where the Rules provide for another court or tribunal to have jurisdiction, the parties agree to refer any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement to the Court of Arbitration for Sport for final and binding arbitration in accordance with the CAS Code of Sports Related Arbitration.

Player Agreement
I, MASAHARU TSUCHIYA, have read, understood, consent and agree to the above agreements of the player (section 1), Anti- Doping Consent (section 2), and (where applicable) Anti-Corruption Consent (section 3), Eligibility for Wheelchair Tennis Players (section 4) and Minor Medical release (section 5).

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