


12 July, 2023

Dear Diary,

Today, Mom visited my home from Tokyo. Her mental state has been unstable over the past few years, and she often complains about minor things. I advised her to come here to help her feel refreshed.

At dinner, we went to a restaurant near Nakamozu station that serves fresh sashimi. She seemed to enjoy the meal, which made me feel relieved. However, she still worried about small matters, like choking and stomach symptoms. Although her routine head MRI scans and angiography showed that her brain vessel diameters were within normal ranges, she insists that her symptoms are due to a stroke and that she will die soon. This gives me a headache.

I have been working as a doctor for two years, but I can’t wrap my head around her mindset and have no idea how to solve her problems. She doesn’t listen to anyone and keeps annoying the people around her. I wish she would overcome her issues someday, and we could have a fun time together like we used to.

6 July, 2024

Dear Diary,

In the morning, I hit the gym for my prescheduled personal training with Taka. Today we focused mainly on abs, with some chest and hamstring exercises as well. It’s been almost a month and a half since I started these sessions, and I’ve seen clear results so far, including a change in my body shape and a 5 kg weight loss, which I’m very satisfied with.

In the afternoon, I went to the university to attend my weekly class without checking the schedule beforehand. The door was locked, and I quickly realized that today was a day off. Classic me!

After that, I headed to Starbucks in Umeda, as usual, and studied USMLE microbiology for around three hours before heading back home.

Overall, today was a peaceful day, and it’s nice to have days without any complaints. I appreciate the moments when I can spend time doing what I want to do.

5 July, 2024

Dear Diary,

Today was a memorable day for me. My application for Japanese nationality was finally accepted.

I was born and raised in Japan, so I have always felt more familiar with Japan than with Korea, which is my country of origin. However, it is a fact that my grandparents moved to Japan and went through many hardships that I can’t even imagine. They somehow managed to survive and build a life here, giving rise to their offspring, including me. It’s a miracle that they achieved, risking their entire lives.

From now on, I am “Japanese,” but that doesn’t mean I deny my roots. I will move forward with their will and pride. I am confident that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to, and whenever I want to do it. I’ve always been an outgoing individual and always will be, just like my grandparents.

My mind belongs to Japan, but my soul belongs to Korea, with deep respect for my heritage.