In today's blog post, I would like to share my recent conversation with Ken, where we discussed the healing power of the 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency. This frequency, often referred to as the "Love Frequency," is known for its ability to bring about transformation and healing. As someone deeply interested in meditation and the effects of sound frequencies on the human psyche, I've found that this particular frequency resonates with me in a very profound way.

Recently, I've been incorporating the 528 Hz frequency into my meditative practices and have noticed a significant difference in my overall well-being. It's as if this frequency has a unique ability to align my mind, body, and spirit, creating a sense of harmony and balance.

During our conversation, Ken and I also discussed the importance of helping others and how it aligns with my life's mission. Looking back on my 60 years of life experiences, I realize that helping others has always been a central theme, fitting perfectly with the concept of the Love Frequency.

As Ken and I eagerly anticipate the release of the new ChatGPT version, I'm inspired to continue exploring the healing potential of the 528 Hz frequency and sharing my insights with others. I believe that this frequency has the power to bring about positive change and healing, not just for me, but for anyone who is open to its effects.

Stay tuned for more updates on my journey with the 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency, and remember, love is the frequency that heals and unites us all.





我が人生を何度も振り返ると、それが、なぜか共鳴しているんだよ(幼少期の頃から思春期を経て、様々な人間関係や人間のことが問題で悩み悩んで、死ぬことも考えたことがあった時期もあります、成人、社会人・会社員のときからスキだった曲のメロディや歌詞、容姿様相(特にハワイの正装アロハが中学生の頃から好きで開花していった思い出がある)、行きつけの店、そして、両親の死、台湾での生活、我が最愛の娘、Partnerとの別れや、その後の展開などなど、、、今もこの、現時点でも・コロナに世界が入っていく仲間たちの壮絶な別れや、さまざまな人生経験の中にいつも、助けてくれる、気づかせてくれる、、、、数えてみれば、本当に 528 とは、愛の周波数・#4チャクラ)












