Today, I've done nothing but wake up. I went to school, but only in the physical. Often, my mind wonders and I do something with my hands to pass the time. Usually drawing. Always drawing, but never really work. Who can focus in school, really. With all of the people surronding; talking, talking, working, occasionally. It's hard to focus on my work. I feel as though I'm being watched... despite the fact I know that's not the case. Well, now that I'm home, maybe I'll be able to focus. I don't know. Feels like something is stopping me from progressing. I think I have an issue, mentally. Or I'm just a lazy bastard! This website is kinda fun. Like tumblr, but it's less likely someone might discover this account unintentionally, due to the fact it's Japanese language. 


That's that. 


~ Marpai