Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), presently known as female sexual arousal disorder, is a Physical dysfunction that causes a decreased sex drive in women.

Low libido, or reduced sexual libido, can affect both men and women. It is not uncommon for a person’s curiosity in sex to hesitate over different periods of life due to hormonal changes, stress, and age. If your s e x drive affects your quality of life, it may be time to talk to your Doctor.

Since sensual pleasure plays a crucial role in a women's physical and mental well-being, problems with low s e x drive deserve the same amount of attention and treatment as any other physical or mental illness. To know the nature of low sex drive in women, here's a breakdown of most frequent causes. Here are the five most basic causes that lead to low libido in women.



#1. Stress & Anxiety

Stress & anxiety can be all-consuming and have a significant impact on your happiness. If you feel you're always tired, stressed, or anxious, you may need to make some lifestyle changes or speak to your doctor for advice.

Regular life stresses can influence your libido. For example, many women have a lower libido for s e x after they have children due to happening extra-busy and fatigued, or because they become concentrated more on their kids than the marriage. If your body has transformed over time or after delivering birth, that can also catch a toll.


#2. Hormonal changes (Menopause, Pregnancy)

Imbalances in hormone levels, such as cortisol, estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormones, affect sex drive.

Differences in your hormone levels may alter your desire for s e x. This can occur during:

  • Menopause

Sexual problems associating with menopause are usually a result of lowered levels of estrogen. Menopause also causes a reduction in testosterone, which females produce in little amounts. Lower testosterone levels can contribute to a loss of Intimate desire. If a person experiences trouble or hurts during s e x, they may begin to unite these feelings with sex and have limited or no interest.

  • Pregnancy

Lack of interest in s e x is usual during pregnancy, after giving birth and while breastfeeding. Hormone changes throughout pregnancy, just after having a baby and while breast-feeding, can put a restraint on sex drive. Some women may have improved interest in sex, while others might have a low desire. Women’s hormones continue to hesitate during the postpartum periods, affecting s e x drive through this time.


#3. Relationship & Sexual Problems

  • Relationship Issues

Unaddressed relationship issues, lack of communication about s e x, lack of emotional support.

For many women, heartfelt closeness is an essential preface to Physical intimacy. So issues in your relationship can be a necessary part of low sex drive.

  • Sexual Issues

If you have discomfort during sex or can't orgasm, it can decrease your hunger for s e x. For example, a depressed sex drive can be the effect of:

  • Ejaculation difficulties
  • Erectile Dysfunction/ Impotence
  • Vaginal Dehydration
  • Painful S e x
  • A disability to orgasm
  • Uncontrolled tightening of the vagina


#4. Medical Factors

A first step is a free conversation with your doctor about your low s e x drive. Don’t be humble; your sex life is an essential role in your overall health, and your doctor might well have some answers.

Certain antidepressants, blood-pressure-lowering medications, and oral contraceptives can reduce sexual drive in various ways, such as lowering available testosterone levels or affecting blood flow, known to lessen the sex drive.

Your doctor may do a physical exam, examine your current medicines, and talk about your health records to learn if there are physical causes for your low s e x drive. He or she may also obtain blood tests to monitor hormone levels and other factors.


#5. Underlying health problems

The physical disease can affect your body in a direction that reduces your desire for s e x. Some of the most usual physical and mental issues for low s e x drive hold:

Any long-term medical situation can affect your sex drive. This may result from the physical and emotional tension these situations can cause, or it may be a side effect of treatment. For example, a low libido can be linked with:

  • Heart Disease: Heart disorder can begin to damaged blood vessels and reduced flow. This illness can reduce blood flow to the genitals, decreasing arousal or lubrication.
  • Surgery: Any surgery related to your breasts or genital tract can affect your body image, Sensual function, and desire for s e x.
  • Mental Issues: Mental health problems occurring from anxiety, depression, fatigue, poor self-esteem, or earlier sexual abuse can decrease a person’s curiosity in Physical activity.
  • Injury: Any injury that affects reproductive organs and nerves and blood vessels can reduce s e x drive. Disrupted blood flow to female genitals often results in reduced sex drive. Procedures like hysterectomy, but also injuries that result from childbirth, link to less desire for s e x.
  • Chronic health diseases: Diabetes, hypothyroidism, arthritis, anemia, cardiovascular disease, or endocrine or neurological disorders.

#6. Alcohol & Drugs

Drinking extreme volumes of alcohol over a long time can decrease your s e x drive or even cause impotence, so it's good not to drink excessive amounts. Drug ill-usage is also associated with a loss of sex drive. A glass of wine may put you in the mood, but too much alcohol can affect your s e x drive. The same is true of street drugs. Also, smoking decreases blood flow, which may dull arousal.

Alcohol can also lessen your possibilities of becoming pregnant, notably if you're experiencing fertility problems.


Sometimes, manageable lifestyle changes may help women recover sexual desire. Eating nutritious food, taking enough sleep, reducing or leaving out alcohol, and losing weight may increase excitement in s e x and improve a Women’s overall health.

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Many Women's can experience low libido, or reduced Intimate desire for various reasons, including medical conditions, a hormone deficiency, or mental health concerns.

If low libido affects a person’s life, they should discuss this with a doctor to find the Best Treatment Options.