Generally, your gas furnace should cycle on and off 3-8 times hourly, maintaining a comfortable temperature in your house. However a heater that keeps shutting off every minute or 2 won't heat your home correctly. Not just that, it may be signalling a larger issue that you require to look after.

So don't simply sit there and shiver. Troubleshoot what's wrong with your furnace and discover how to fix it.

1. Heating System Airflow Is Obstructed

Your furnace's heat exchanger requires an excellent flow of air to cool it down. If the air flow is obstructed, the heat exchanger will overheat, activating the safety shutdown. That will safeguard your furnace however leave you in the cold. Luckily, this is easy to deal with.

Change The Filter

Your furnace's air filter gets clogged with dirt and dust with time, restricting air flow to the furnace. If you see your filter is blocked, all you need to do is change or clean it.

Modification a non reusable filter. Replacements are low-cost and readily offered, so stock on a couple of spares.

Clean a recyclable filter. These are higher quality, however need an occasional cleaning. Vacuum off any dirt and/or carefully wash and dry the filter, according to the manufacturer's guidelines.

Going forward, inspect the filter monthly, and tidy or alter hvac tips your furnace filter at least every 90 days.

Open Some Vents

You may have closed a couple of vents in the past when your room got too hot. That's alright, however make certain some vents are left open. Once again, this is very important to allow correct air flow to the heater.

2. Your Thermostat Is Faulty

Another factor your heating system keeps shutting off could be the thermostat.

Examine The Setting

Guarantee your thermostat is switched on and switched to "HEAT." Also, confirm the temperature level. Someone might have adjusted it to a lower setting than you 'd like.

Inspect Thermostat Communication With The Furnace

Have a pal stand near the heating system and listen while you change the thermostat from "LOW" to "HIGH." If he or she hears a noise, the issue is most likely with your furnace. If not, your thermostat is most likely malfunctioning.

Check Thermostat Positioning

A thermostat located in a warm spot (for instance, near to the kitchen area or on a warm wall) will sign up a high temperature and shut the heater off, while the rest of your space is still chilly.

Talk with us about the very best thermostats and the most effective positioning. If your house tends to heat unevenly, think about a heat zoning system.

3. Flame Sensor Is Rusty Or Soot-Covered

A flame sensor issue could be why your heating system keeps shutting off. The flame sensor is a security device designed to switch off your heater if no flames are identified, safeguarding you versus unsafe gas fumes. If the flame sensor ends up being rusty or covered in soot, it can not detect flames, even when your heating system is running correctly. As a result, the sensor shuts the furnace down.

This is a severe issue needing prompt professional heater repair work.

4. Heating system Is Too Big

You may have been offered a heater which is too large for your house. If that's the case, it will warm your heat pump not cooling spaces quickly. Once the heater reaches the set temperature level, the thermostat will shut it off, triggering your home to cool quickly ... setting off the furnace to turn on once again. This short-cycle pattern will not offer the house convenience you want, and is difficult on your furnace, too.

Look into replacing your oversized heater with a brand-new, energy-efficient design that is properly sized for your needs.