This week I saw the food-horror film, "Food, Inc." (2008).

Every person living in America, especially minorities, people with weight issues, people who care about their children's future, and people fond of fast food, ought to see this film.
I already pay attention to the ingredient list on all I buy, but from this point on, I shall scrutinize my food even harder. WATCH THIS FILM, AMERICA. (And all those thinking of visiting this sordid country.)


Last night, darling, Chris & I went to Rollin' Oats, a local natural/health food store in our city. We found these brownies by Dr. Oetker and had to try 'em.

$c'est une bossa nova♪

The ingredients in the brownie mix were grown without man-made pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or GMOs (genetically modified organisms.)
They are made with melted butter and two eggs (versus oil, or milk, plus eggs), unlike most commercial brownie mixes we've tried in the past. They don't rise quite as much as the "bad" brownie mixes, but they remain staunchly fluffy and moist inside. They taste less sweet than other brownie mixes, and taste... why, better! How odd.
Since they are priced roughly the same as commercial brownie mixes, I think we'll stick to this one from now on.


Darling and I are working on a comic book together. One of the protagonists will vaguely resemble my favorite artist, Aubrey Beardsley.

Hence this doodle:

$c'est une bossa nova♪

LOL. Yay, art nerds❤