c’est une bossa nova♪

Got some new treats for Mr. Techno yesterday:
Mother Nature Natural Dog Biscuits りぼん 桃色音譜
It was hard to pick from the different varieties, but we settled on two we thought Techno would especially like.
Honey Glazed Chicken Recipeハート &&&&& Buffalo Stew Recipeハート Both varieties have a healthy balance of veggie as well as meat ingredients, and are beneficial to doggie tooth and gum health.グッド! 20oz packages, reasonably priced compared to a lot of the other "natural" doggie treats at the pet store.

c’est une bossa nova♪

Actually, they look and feel like the kinda cookies a person could dunk in a glass of milk and enjoy as a snack. (Don't worry, I'm not about to try it汗)
Techno loves 'em, that's all that countsほし

Lazy-Techno picspam:

c’est une bossa nova♪

c’est une bossa nova♪
