I thought I was working a 55hr work week, but apparently I agreed to cover some extra hours tomorrow, so now it's a 60hr work week.
I am pretty crazy for it. But, I talked to my boss today -- my only day off (T_T) -- and for the next final two weeks of this job, I will work 45hr weeks. Thank goodness. It will give me a chance to look for another job also. Phew.

c’est une bossa nova♪

Monday was really, really rough for me (work-wise.) I came back home for lunch during my break, and I found a smily and consoling darling with a bouquet of fresh yellow daisies..! I love my man. はーと He always know show to cheer me up. We had lunch together and the rest of my shift went by much faster. Thank you, baby.スマイル

c’est une bossa nova♪

We went to Rollin' Oats to grab some lunch (their deli is amaaazing... Only menu where more than half of the items are vegetarian or vegan!! and super yummy), and I found this soap in their Beauty section. I was looking for a natural soap to use for hand-washing lingerie. I'm done putting my undies through the mangling torture of a washer and then the scorching heat of a dryer. Instead, a gentle hand-wash and then air-dry will ensure my items last longer. The South of France soap is 100% vegetable oil based, and cruelty-free. Gentle on skin will be gentle on fabric.

c’est une bossa nova♪

TCM 's annial "Summer Under the Stars" festival is next month. Each day in August is devoted to a movie star and a marathon of (some) of their filmography. I will still be working and school will be starting, but hopefully, with some luck and no DVR I will be able to catch some of these! (>_<)