Sorry honey, it has been so long since i wrote my blog..good luck for your exam tomorrow honey!! i know you can do it :)

My events today(Tuesday) was:

9am : Got up, had a shower and hang out my parents washing

11am: Left home and off to Perth - actuallly i went to harbour town (close to Perth city - it is an outlet mall :D) first to buy your gift LOL (which is a secret haha)

1am: Met up with my friend Wendy, whom i became friends with in April after coincidentally meeting her at the busineess school cafe in UWA (She was in one of my classes last year but i wasnt friends with her then :O)

We went to so many places shopped around although we both didnt buy anything hhaha We were talking, and shoppoing at the same time for like 3.5 hours

I would love you to meet my friends once you come here to Perth :D haha how many times have i said that??

I came home at 5pm and then started cooking dinner for my parents. They went to the doctors today and discovered that my mum didnt have a broken arm or neck :D just intense muscle pain :D

but then they got used to me doing everything for them so they left everything to do in the house for me lol

Yesterdays events were similar, except i went to the movies - Transformers with my friend Tony, and his friend Yvonne (I think they are going to date soon because they have strong chemistry lol)

on Saturday, I went to have lunch with my Japanese friend Tsuyoshi, and on Sunday, i stayed home to help my parents put up the new tv we bought :) (ive been hooked on the tv since then lol)

Sorry honey, my blog is brief today, i feel a bit sizzy, dizzzy i mean lol im going to sleep :)

i love you hunni xxxxxooooo