Hello everyone it is me! marié :) | マリエ・ディグビー Marie Digby オフィシャルブログ「MARIE DIGBY」Powered by Ameba

Hello everyone it is me! marié :)

Hi Everyone!
I am so happy that my new album ' Breathing Underwater' is coming out first in Japan (before anywhere else in the world ! :)
I am planning to come back soon..
Anyway, everything is going well over here in the States.. I am going to start band rehearsals soon.
Mostly, I'm trying to find a manager and clean up the business end of things.
That of course, is no where near as fun as the creative part like writing songs and touring :)
Hope you are all very well and that I get to see you soon !

xoxo marié

マリエ・ディグビー Marie Digby オフィシャルブログ「MARIE DIGBY」Powered by Ameba-090623frommarie