A message from Spirit to all those who will be attending
the Lemurian Healing workshops in Fukuoka in November:

Each of you brings a bright light into the circle of
healing and awakening that will be created In Fukuoka.
Here, your lights will merge together and shine
brighter than they ever have in this lifetime.
Together, you are raising the vibration of the earth
and all who live here. You are raising the vibration of
Japan so that others may follow the path you are

This is a time of great discovery and deep spiritual
love because of all you are beginning to remember the
truth that we are all One Light sharing an illusionary
experience called “human.” Each of you is simply on a
journey to rediscover the truth that you are the
Creator incarnate.

As you come together in the Lemurian light to remember
how to heal yourself and others, your light is
celebrated by the non-physical realms of spirit guides
and angels. You are loved more deeply that you know.
And they want you to remember that you are never alone.
They walk beside you every moment of every day. And as
they shine their light upon you, they pray for the
opportunity to be in service to you.

Mu moa a te
Welcome to the journey home