This session is just to show what my ackerman looks like between the 3 chassis with different characteristic.


Link to the ackerman page is below:


I basically use only slide rack steering system, for the ease of making ackerman adjustments.

These are what my ackerman looks like as of now... Pictures don't do a good justice as ackerman can look different depending on the angle of the camera, so this is just for reference.


[TN Racing POISON Stealth with VX Dock]

This chassis pretty much parallel throughout. The chassis overall has very agressive setting and due to the overall setting, it straighten out quiclky with off throttle, but can also go in to big angles quickly and maintain the angle.



[KAMIKAZE YD-2 with Rajimani Slide Rack (Straight slot)]

Ackerman is open from neutral to full lock, with more ackerman at full lock. This is my daily chassis, running lighter angles and higher speeds.



[D-LIKE Re-R Hybrid with stock slide rack]

Somewhat similar to the Kamikaze, but more open as the steering progresses. This is my true weightshift chassis, and having big angles will just lose the weightshift that is loaded to where the weight should be shifted to, so no big angles with this chassis, but truly a fun chassis to drive, and to practice what a real car should drive like.



Happy drifting!


March 10,  2018 / Charlotte NC


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