I was passing by a house on my way to the train station.  I noticed that they had built an elaborate addition (すごい追加?)near the entrance of their house



I wondered (不思議がる), what is that for?  Someone worked very hard to construct this, but what is it?  I asked the man and woman who live there, and they told me that they built it to protect a swallow's nest (ツバメの巣).


They told me that swallows come every year and build a nest near the entrance to their house.  But crows come and eat the eggs.  (Oh no!  I thought I loved crows!)  So the husband built this structure to protect the swallow's nest.  


There is a small opening that the swallow parents can easily fly in and out of, but crows don't want to enter.  



You can see the nest towards the back.



Wow!  Does such a kind person exist?!


Are there any birds' nests around your house?