Today is Thursday of Holy Week (聖週).  Holy Week will continue until Sunday, which is Easter (復活祭).

Humor me.  ウインク (いいから聞いて。)

On Thursday of Holy Week, we remember the Last Supper (最後の晩餐).



This week marks a HUGE thing that happened that changed the history of the world.  You cannot understand the history of much of the world over the last 2000 years without understanding this.  So please humor me. ニコニコ


Here is the final episode (最終回) of the TV program "知ってるつもり". I was surprised to see that their final episode was titled イエス・キリスト--知ってるつもり 最終回 .


Tonight, tomorrow (Good Friday), and Saturday are the most solemn (荘重, 重々しい, しんみり) days of the year for Christian believers.  We remind ourselves that Jesus sacrificed His life for us.  I don't plan to write a blog post tomorrow. 
But Sunday will be the happiest day of the year.  See you on Easter!


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