I've made plenty of embarrassing mistakes speaking Japanese, but I think that my most embarrassing mistake was this one that happened when my 2 older children were in elementary school.


It was the early evening when my phone rang.  My children and I were there together.  I answered, and it was a "phone tree" call (連絡網) about my children's school.  This kind of phone call always made me so nervous.  I knew that I should try to use polite Japanese with the other mothers from my children's classes.  And I also always panicked because I felt great pressure to understand the message correctly so I could tell the next person.


The woman on the other end of the line gave me the message.  I tried to write everything she said on a piece of paper, clearly enough so that I could read it to the person that I had to call next.


At the end of the message, I suddenly realized that I had missed the beginning of the message--important information!  Which of my children's classes did this message come from, my daughter's or my son's?  


I decided quickly that I would ask her as politely as I could to repeat her name to me.  I knew that it wasn't polite to ask, "あなただれ?”  What was the polite way to ask that question?


I asked...             





My children immediately began laughing very loudly, and I knew I must have made a mistake.   ガーンえーんショボーンびっくり

Luckily, the mother on the other end of the line had a sense of humor.  She laughed and said, "Don't worry!" as I apologized.  


Please tell me that you have done embarrassing things in your life!  It's not only me, is it?