It was time to get my dog's nails (爪) trimmed (切る).  I had some free time today, so I decided to take my dog to the pet groomer (ペット美容室).  

My dog Charles (チャールズ) is not a fancy (高級) dog that needs a special haircut, or special grooming.  But he WILL NOT let me cut his nails.  

So I take him to a professional dog groomer when his nails get too long.  

Every time I take him, he acts like they are murdering him (殺されてる).  He cries very loudly.  He fights the groomers.  They have to put a muzzle over his mouth so that he doesn't bite them.  (I don't know how to say muzzle in Japanese.  It's a cover for a dog's mouth so it can't bite.) 

It breaks my heart, but I have keep the nails on his "thumbs" short because they grow in a curve (曲がって伸びる)and can get caught (引っかかる) on things, which can be painful.  

The last time I took Charles to cut his nails, the woman who brought him out afterwards was out of breath (息切れ) and covered in white fur.  Her mask was crooked and her hair was messed up (ぼさぼさ).  It looked like she had a hard time cutting his nails!

Today Charles didn't want to go into the shop.  I felt so terrible putting the muzzle on his mouth, and pulling him to the grooming room.  They took him inside and shut the door.  I could hear him crying loudly immediately.  There is a big window so you can watch, but I couldn't look.  

I went to the cash register to pay before they brought Charles back out.  The woman at the cash register said, "Just a moment," and she ran to the grooming room.  She came back and asked me, "Is it okay if we charge 800 yen?"  (I think the usual price is 500 yen, but it takes at least 3 people to cut Charles' nails.)  I said, "I'll pay whatever you tell me.  I know he is very difficult."

After paying, I walked to the door of the grooming area so I would be ready when they brought him out.  I could hear 2 groomers inside saying, "Good dog!  Good dog!" in English.

There was an older couple watching through the big window.  They didn't see me coming.  I could hear them saying, "Wow that dog is really fighting the groomers!" (暴れてるね!)

Finally, one of the groomers brought Charles back out.  I took his leash (リード) and he IMMEDIATELY peed (おしっこした) on a shelf of merchandise (グッズ).  I was so embarrassed, and I said that I was sorry many times.  The woman said, "It's okay.  Don't worry."  He peed again on the floor.  

He never pees inside our house.  Never!  Why did he think it was okay to pee in the pet groomers?!

I quickly took him to the car.  I thought, What should I do?  Should I go back inside and tip them?  In the U.S. that's what I would do.  But Japan doesn't have tipping (チップ).  Should I offer to pay for the merchandise that Charles peed on?  But I didn't know how much it would cost?  I didn't have much money in my wallet.  I finally decided to offer to pay double the next time I have to take him to cut his nails. ショボーン

The next time!  I'm sure the pet groomer is looking forward to that! キョロキョロ

He's tired from 暴れてる!

He must be tired.