My mother taught me and my sisters and brother a "Goodnight Prayer" when we were small.  Every night, my mother came to our bedroom when it was time to sleep, and we would say the prayer together.


"Now I lay me down to sleep. 


I pray the Lord my soul to keep、 


To guide me safely through the night until I see the morning light.




That last line is also sometimes said:

"If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take."*



I knew both versions of the prayer as a child, but my mother usually prayed the first one because she thought the second one was too scary (怖い) for a child.  


I love this prayer because it taught me two important lessons from a very young age:


1. God is with me and taking care of me all the time, even when I'm asleep or not aware (気付かない時).  He will be with me until the night is over and I see morning (night 右矢印 hard or sad times / morning 右矢印good or happy times).


*2.  We don't know when we are going to die, so we should always make sure that our hearts are turned toward (向いてる)God and that we are depending on Him. Then we have nothing to fear.

This was kind of scary to pray as a child, but it was also reassuring (安心させる).  All children are naturally afraid of night and danger.  What a gift my mother gave me by teaching me that I stood on solid rock (動かない土台)instead of shifting sand (流動的な状況).  Even if it's time for me to die, I don't have to be afraid.


My mother told me that her grandmother taught her this prayer when she was a child.  So that means that at least (少なくとも) 5 generations (世代) of my family have said this prayer with their children.  


As for the title of this post, at the end of this prayer, my mother added her own original prayer every time:

"God bless everyone in the whole world!"


This taught us to remember that all humans on this earth are brothers and sisters, and we should pray for their blessings too--not only our own.



I taught my children these prayers when they were small too.  I hope they will teach their children.  The older I get, the more I appreciate the love and wisdom that was passed down from previous generations.  


God bless all of you reading this飛び出すハート


This is a painting by Norman Rockwell.   The father is holding a newspaper with scary headlines.