Do you talk to yourself (独り言)?  


I do.  A lot.  I am my own best friend.  Sometimes I tell myself jokes.  Sometimes I ask myself questions.  Sometimes I remind myself of things I need to remember.  I laugh and sing when I'm alone.  But, until about 2 years ago, I was socially aware enough to only do those things when I was alone.  If I behave (振る舞う) like that in public, people might think I'm strange. キョロキョロ


For about 2 years, we have all been wearing masks whenever we go out. 予防   One good thing about wearing a mask is that people can't see me talking to myself.  When I'm in the supermarket, people can't see that I'm whispering, "Eggs, milk, bread.  Eggs, milk, bread."  Or, "What should I make for dinner tonight?"  Or, "Wow!  Broccoli is cheap today!"  As long as I keep my voice low, I'm pretty sure other people can't hear me.  


But what is going to happen when this Covid pandemic is over, and I can go out without a mask?  I have been talking to myself freely in public for about 2 years.  I don't have the mental training anymore to keep my thoughts silent inside my own head.  No one can see my mouth, so I say things (quietly) out loud (声を出して).  When the masks come off, I'm afraid everyone will think I'm a strange person.  


When that time comes, I ask for your patience and understanding, as I learn again how to function in society with my mouth fully visible (丸目え) to everyone! ゲラゲラ 叫び