I buy a lottery ticket once a year.  I buy one lottery ticket for 300 yen.

I imagine the good things I could do if I won a lot of money.  I could help my family.  I could support charities that I love.  And I could build a chicken house and keep some chickens.  (That's my dream!照れ


But I have heard many stories of people whose lives were ruined (台無し) when they suddenly got a lot of money.


So when I buy my yearly lottery ticket, I pray, " God, I leave it up to You.  (神様に任せます。)  If You think that winning would be a good thing, please let me win.  If You think it would be a bad thing, please don't let me win."  

That's why I only buy one ticket.  

I have done this every year, for several years.  

So far(今のところ), God didn't think that winning would be a good thing for me.  (Not even a small amount of money!) 笑い泣き