Yesterday my sister-in-law received a phone call from the police.

"Your dog has escaped.  He is near Tanaka Eye Doctor. We will come pick you up and take you to him."


My sister-in-law was very surprised.  She rode in the police car to get MY dog, Charles!  For some reason, the police called her instead of me.  (She lives next door to me.)  It seems that a guest left the gate open, and Charles escaped before anyone noticed.  


He crossed a busy street by himself, and a very kind young man noticed him near Tanaka Eye Doctor.  The young man must have been worried that Charles was thirsty, and he bought a bottle of water from a vending machine to give to Charles.  


The young man called the police to report the runaway dog, and I heard from my sister-in-law that 4 policemen came to take care of the problem.  Luckily, our family name and neighborhood name is written on Charles' collar, so the police were able to contact my sister-in-law.  


Charles came home with a big dog smile on his face.  He thought he had a great adventure!  I had been having an online class, so I didn't even notice that Charles was gone. 


   Charles and Okoge

Charles has a pretty good life for a dog.  He has a large yard (jungle?) to run around in, and he also has access to my mother-in-law's garden next door.  So he has a pretty large area to patrol.  

But yesterday, I guess he needed a little more excitement.  


Thank you, kind young man who took the time and trouble to make sure my dog made it safely home!


Do you have a dog?

Does your dog ever escape?