Thanksgiving Day will be on November 25 this year.  It's always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.  


On Thanksgiving Day we often eat turkey (七面鳥)with our families.


My father's uncle was a photographer for the newspaper.  When my father was a little boy, his uncle used him as a model for some Thanksgiving photos to use in the newspaper.



That's my father when he was 3 years old! ニコニコドキドキ

In the photo, he is looking sad because the turkey will be killed soon for Thanksgiving dinner.  You can see the ax 斧 to the right.


I am grateful for many things this year, but one very big thing that I am grateful for is the students who join my classes!  You are all such a blessing to me.  I can't tell you how much I enjoy spending time with you.  (In this case "I can't tell you" means "言葉で言い尽くせない”).


I am also, of course, very grateful to God for everything.  I'm grateful for this life!  


My mother says that life is like a merry-go-round.  We each have our turn (順番, 代り番)to get on and ride, and we each have our turn to get off.  I'm grateful for my time here on this merry-go-round of life. 


I will try not to be ungrateful for my many blessings (恩恵、恵み、幸せ).

ungrateful = 恩を忘れる


I will try to appreciate (多とする)the good people and circumstances (状況) in my life.  I don't want to take anything for granted (あたりまえと思ってしまう.



What are you grateful for?


Here's another blog post about my father: