When I was a child, I often would sleep at my grandparents' house on Friday or Saturday nights.  I loved spending the night with my grandparents.  My sister and cousins and I would stay up watching TV with my grandfather at night until the TV station went off the air.  (My grandmother always went to bed early.)


Do you remember this?

( Do you remember this?)



In the morning, Grandpa would make breakfast for us.  He always made bacon, toast and scrambled eggs.  He always put lots of pepper on our eggs, even though we always said, "Please don't put too much pepper! It's too spicy!"  


But I always ate his eggs.  I didn't want to hurt his feelings.  And he was a little bit scary.




Grandma didn't cook, but she made coffee.  She would make cafe au lait (カフェオレ) for us.  Now I know that is French for "coffee with milk".  But when I was a child, I thought my grandma was saying "cafe ole" (the Spanish オレ!).  


I have very fond memories of the peppery weekend breakfasts that my grandpa made for me when I was a child.  I love you, Grandpa Wayne.  I look forward to seeing you again in heaven some day.ニコニコドキドキ