Can you see colors?  

My eyesight isn't great, but I can see colors.

Usually, I don't even think about it.  

Seeing colors is something I usually take for granted.


But do you know anyone who is colorblind?

There are people who cannot see colors vividly.  


There are a new kind of glasses that can help colorblind people see colors.  There are many videos on YouTube of people receiving these glasses as gifts from their family or friends, and putting them on for the first time.  


Their reactions when they see colors vividly for the first time are priceless.  Many of them cry when they look around with their new glasses and see the beauty all around them clearly.


These videos almost always make me cry too when I watch them.  I think they affect me for 2 reasons.


The first is an obvious reason.  It's wonderful to see someone see beautiful colors for the first time.  They are so amazed by the colors that I take for granted every day.  It makes me grateful (ありがたい)that I have always been able to see colors.  How lucky I am, without even realizing it!


But the second reason is even better.  There is so much love in these videos.  The colorblind person's family and friends are so happy to see their husband or brother or friend see colors.  It is love to want to share good things with another person and to be happy when someone else is happy.  And our world is so beautiful.  I think it must have been created with great love.