Every time I see or hear about the great Yoshiki-san at that anime con called Anime Central, my heart sinks to a all time low.

X Japan is the real reason why I started to play guitar.

The GazettE got me into jrock.

The Versailles got me back into classical music and also more into speed metal

Out of all the american bands and american artist, japanese music is my real inspiration for music.

I've always wanted a guitar in the past but now that I got it, it was like, "ok so now what?"

Now I feel more determine to play and be the best! <3

I first heard "Endless rain" by X japan and was so drawn to it.

I actually heard X japan when I was looking for GazttE music,

Dehlia, was actually my first X song and i didn't even know it.

I also noticed that I'm rambling .....

Anyways if I ever do get famous one day, I'll tell them how japanese music greatly inspired me.

I don't know what they are saying but the music speaks for it's self. <3

[End rant]

So Yoshiki was a surprise guest at Anime Cental,

He still looks good after all these years! And he's so modest too!

His engrish is so funny but cute. <3 <3 <3

This summer I'm doing nothing but sewing, working, guitar lessons, and school.!

Hide, Jasmine, Piyo, Micheal, Kirt .... I'll rock so hard you'll hear my music in heaven.

Anyways here's the vid in a good quality, I'll post part 2 up later.

I won't spoil the joke but it was kinda funny.

I guess you have to understand japanese to truly appreciate it.

haha he's so cute,

I would have been the only person in the place like" I don't get it" xD

you can read more here


I forgot to call the mothers in my family and wish them a happy mother's day.
Its not that I forgot....
I was just too lazy to call anyone....

Even my own grandmother and mother did not get a card or phone call
But I will get them something next time I get paid.
Maybe I'll take my grandma out to dinner and give my mom that bracelet she wanted.
