So yeah I was looking through some JaME articles and I found this article about a african america / japanese guy that sings enka type songs.

Honestly I didn't think japanese people like black people that much haha shows me how wrong I am xD

But this is honestly really great!

As a part african american, I couldn't be prouder.

Maybe this will open doors for more non-japanese people to get big in japan and maybe even get signed

there: D

Maybe there might be a chance of me starting a jrock band and getting big over there too?: D

Haha I can dream can't I?


More about jero

For the ones that do care about a japanese rock band game, the results are in!


How can this female call herself a GazettE fan?

bitching over some little shit about the GazettE's album.

That NIL album was awesome!

Not to mention that the band only has a certain amount of time before they have to release the albums so that means, LESS time to perfect each song and instead of making 3 minute songs they have to make some 1 minute intro to fill in spaces.

I think crap like that is why the GazettE doesn't want to come over to america.

They must think people like her constantly bashing their hard work.

Honestly I don't blame them now, if people like her that call herself a "fan" exist over here, then why even bother?

Besides the gazettE were just experimenting with different sounds.

Personally, I love all of their songs, I love their "noise" I may like some songs more then others but she didn't have to bash them like she did and call them names.

Joke my ass! I honestly don't think she is even worthy of listening to the GazettE's music.

Honestly if she didn't want all the negative comments on youtube she was better off keeping the shit to herself.

I'm all for the "freedom of speech" thing but sometimes people just need to keep shit to themselves.

I know they are just human and have flaws but did you really have to go so far?

I really hope they put you on their shit list.

She actually gives "reasons" to why she doesn't like the album.

And they weren't even good reasons! Bah!

ok I'm done ranting. sorry but I really hate people that diss the GazettE even

if they were "just joking".