#絶叫したいならココがおすすめ コロンビア大学 NYのコロンビア大学の学生運動 コロンビア大学の学長 ネマト シャフィクの辞任を求めて 夜になると雄叫びをあげています 参加して思いっ切り 絶叫したら 喜ばれるかも Students gather outside home OF Columbia University President Minouche ShafikPro-Palestine students in New York gathered outside the home of Columbia University's president, Minouche Shafik, on Thursday night to Friday morning. Studen...youtube.com Pro-Palestinian demonstrators 'scream' outside Columbia University president's homePro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside Columbia University President Minouche Shafik’s residence and chanted “shame on you” — as they unleashed the a...youtu.be
Students gather outside home OF Columbia University President Minouche ShafikPro-Palestine students in New York gathered outside the home of Columbia University's president, Minouche Shafik, on Thursday night to Friday morning. Studen...youtube.com
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators 'scream' outside Columbia University president's homePro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside Columbia University President Minouche Shafik’s residence and chanted “shame on you” — as they unleashed the a...youtu.be