






A grateful heart enriches you

A person who can be grateful to others is one who realizes its importance.

It is because you are at peace with yourself and have a grateful heart towards others that you are entitled to be thanked by others. That is the feeling I have.

If you want to live a rich life, you can understand the state of your own heart as the receiver and therefore try to be grateful to others.

This is not something that can be done with only a superficial feeling, but it means facing others with a true heart.

I feel that it is only by facing others from the bottom of your heart that you can convey your true feelings. In order to do this, you must become a person who prioritizes the feelings of others over what you get from your own feelings.

It is only those who can respect the hearts of others and have a grateful heart that can hope for a return to themselves. I feel that it is because of this that you can find ways of thinking that will allow you to live a rich life.