







Arriving 5 minutes early is not for yourself

It is often said that you should arrive 5 minutes early, but I try to arrive about 30 minutes early to give myself plenty of time.

This is partly because I want to give myself some leeway, but I feel it is not just for myself.

If the train is delayed and I can’t make it to the meeting time, I will be causing trouble for other people.

If I can’t make it, the content may change or I may have to think of a different scenario, and I may be forced to act differently from the plan.

I think that arriving 5 minutes early is not for yourself, but is a natural thing for people, and it is a natural thing to do in order to move things forward as planned.

A person who can act with leeway can also be said to be someone who can distinguish between when to act quickly and when to act with leeway.

I feel that it is only when you can be considerate in each and every action so as not to cause trouble to others, more than just to cause trouble to yourself, that you can become a person who can put your feelings into action.