







The ability to see one or two steps ahead

As an important way of thinking as a person, I feel that it is important to know how much you can see ahead compared to others.

If you can acquire this ability, you will be able to see ahead more than others and receive various benefits.

However, most people avoid risks and are desperately doing what is in front of them before they can see ahead.

I feel that many people try to prepare for important matches or exams so that they can achieve results at that moment, but I feel that they should actually be people who can enjoy the moment.

Just because you are holding back from it, you cannot say that you have gained something within yourself by working hard just a little while ago.

I feel that people who have acquired the habit of constantly reading ahead, such as why they are facing a match or why they are trying to overcome an exam, are sensitive to growth.

It is important to create an environment where the ability to see one or two steps ahead naturally comes out.