






Habits are what polish you.

What I learned from making various things into habits is that I feel that continuing to make something a habit is like continuing to polish something intangible that has sprouted within you.

There is nothing concrete. It has nothing to do with what you will be like in the future by doing so.

But one thing I can say is that by making them habits, you will continue to polish them, and I feel that this is true for both good and bad things.

Making something a habit for your own growth is a way of polishing yourself, so I think that by polishing yourself, there are paths that will open up for your future self, and you will also be able to influence those around you.

If you are going to spend time in life anyway, it is important to continue to grow as a person, and that awareness will make it possible to be useful to others.

I feel that by thinking about what habits are for you and how to polish yourself, you can gain important realizations for the future.