








The world is coming closer to us

Until now, I think the world has always seemed far away. However, in this age of the internet and smartphones, it goes without saying that the world has become closer to us.

What I want to say is that being aware of it leads to having access to a lot of information.

Even if you don’t speak the same language, information from all over the world is telling you the reality of this moment.

If there is something you want to move forward with, you should look not only at home but also at the world. I’m sure there are people out there who are doing the same thing you think.

If you think it’s an idea that only you can have, I think you should become a leader and take action.

There’s no need to be shy. Just do what you can to the best of your ability. And if your idea is not something you can handle on your own, then ask for help.

To do that, it’s important to constantly hone yourself.

And yet, I think you should become one of the people who create your own world.