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What you feel good about may be something that you can spend meaningfully if you have it.

However, if I could actually get it, would it be a problem for me?

For example, if you take money as an example, you feel that you should have money, and if you have money, you can spend everything meaningfully.

However, I feel that money is only needed to do something and is never the number one.

Of course, it’s something you need in your life, and you need money to do something. But what if you don’t have the money to do what you want?

If your hobby is looking at money, that’s fine. However, many people do not.

I feel that there are many parts that can be supplemented by my own actions, and there are many things that cannot be bought with money.

To put it the other way around, if you have a lot of things, you may have troubles and anxieties related to them.

I feel that I should be aware of what makes me happy if there is something that I really want to have, and what is inconvenient for me.

I feel that each person is different, but I feel that there are some things that I think it would be good to have, and that there are some things that I would notice by trying to find something that would be inconvenient for me.