応援ありがとうございました! | マカのブログ


のどじまんザワールド 秋 2015


These weeks I have been receiving many messages and comments on Twitter, Facebook, Ameblo and Youtube telling me they are supporting me and that I did I good job in Nodojiman the World.
Let me express my gratefulness and happiness to read every message you send me. I feel so lucky to have touched people by singing those two songs 照れ
Everything was like a dream, I met so wonderful people there. I love them.
I also want to say thanks to my close people; my family, my families from Japan, my friends from Chile, Japan and many parts of the world! I love them, thank you so much for the unconditional love♡♡♡

I will keep doing my best at singing, at stdies, at Japanese and at everything!!

Hope everyone can reah their oals as soon as they start moving towards them! Let's fight!!


Nodojiman The World, ありがとうございます!♪😁