Dreams are Goals | マカのブログ


のどじまんザワールド 秋 2015


感想は後で ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
These are my words for YOU 音譜

You can make your dreams come true, I made sure about that.

And it is not that I did all by myself, but if I needed help I asked to find someone who could help me.
I was not alone, I don't think that big dreams come true because of the strenght of only one person.
When people help you, I think that people start to think that your own dream becomes part of their own lives and that is why they help you and when you reach it they will be also happy and proud of you, because they could support and they are seeing the person the care about is being happy.

I think the big dream was that just being in Japan would had made me complete.

I said once in Japan
"My heart was in Japan and I came here to bring it back"

I became an exchange student in Japan, I applied for that not for learning Japanese, it was just to be in Japan, but you know, it costs a lot of money so I changed that thought and once I was in Japan I learnt.
I studied basic Japanese for 4 months before the departure.

My whole family and friends supported me in the end.
It was my first time getting apart from my family, I was over-protected by my mom. The only one who always said yes was my father.
My aunts didn't want me to go, but I was decided, it is my first real decision. Yes, it was one year, will I want to go back while I am there?
I didn't think so, I am not like that, I decided and what I start I finish, and this was important because not only it was the effort, lose such quantity of money was not in my mind, it is not a game of whim.
Yes, I am going to the other side of the world, but I was not alone, there were other 6 Chilean with me, the staff and volunteers were waiting for us and would take care of us for the whole year.
In Chile, it is not common the system of Sister Schools or Exchange programs at school, if we talk about exchange United States is the common target, who would have thought that someone could go to Japan.

I wanted to change too. I was so selfshish, I'm too shy, the miss nobody, I couldn't look in front, I wanted to step forward so I needed something drastic to make the change.
I wanted to step forward without someone telling what I should do.

It was time to use what people taught me and what I learnt.
That is how my mom told me you trust me, all these years she looked over me and she knew she could trust me.

Taking these decision I wouldn't be able to graduate with my classmates and friends, my cousin was just born; I wouldn't be able to spend time with her, my grandfather was just diagnosed with Parkinson Disease, I would have to give up many things here to go.
I don't regret, I knew.
It was one year, so many things happened, I won't finish to tell you...

For now, I just want to tell you to follow your dreams, your dreams are goals.
Youth is the best moment to make mistakes, to try new things, to have dreams.

Dreams won't come to you easily, so you have to look for them!

This is my story as an Exchange Student in Japan... as a JK!